Divide et impera reforms
Divide et impera reforms

– fostering distrust and enmity between the smaller rulers – aiding and promoting those who are willing to cooperate with the sovereign – creating or encouraging divisions among the people to prevent alliances that could challenge the sovereign And there are several common elements that are found in the situations where this technique is used: There are 2 actions involved: dividing and ruling. For this reason, the present article aims to raise your awareness.ĭivide & Impera means gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy, while preventing the smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and nurturing discord among the people. Sadly, you most likely failed to learn something from it, and even if it is highly used nowadays everywhere around you, you fail to notice it. It is quoted especially in Latin and I know you heard it at least once.

divide et impera reforms divide et impera reforms

These 2 practical examples highlight an ancient concept, a concept originating thousands of years ago, a concept that has been employed many times throughout history – divide & rule or divide & conquer. They know it instinctively that they are in danger.

divide et impera reforms

Here in France this rarely happens, because there are several nurses, but I see the same pattern: when there are too many friendships and too many impulsive patients spending time together, the nurses come to the doctors and alert them, trying to prevent a change in the force balance. It is known: a hierarchic group of psychiatric patients, with a strong and charismatic leader, is the worst case scenario in a psy unit. When this happens, the nurses try to separate them in several rooms, or seek ways to beak the group. However, one very dangerous situation can occur when several violent and impulsive patients gather in a hierarchy and a leader emerges from them. This happens partly because of the sedative drugs being used, but also because of the attitude of the caregivers and the fact that escaping is not an easy option given the fact that the police works closely with the hospital if needed be. There were 2 nurses managing around 70 patients in the locked unit and it almost never happened that the patients took the power, even if the caregivers were and still are outnumbered. When I worked in the psychiatric hospital in Romania, the situation was potentially explosive all the time. As simple as it gets, few people actually learn something from this. I guess this is not particularly informative for you, as it’s common-sense and everybody knows it. The only way is to separate it in pieces. Even if the material from which is made is quite soft and the separate fibers are easy to break, when several fibers are gathered together, you can’t break the entire object.

divide et impera reforms

Have you ever tried to break a broom, to fracture it with one sudden and decisive move? I guess you tried in vain… if you ever tried… You can’t break it actually.

Divide et impera reforms